Dalam era digital ini, penggunaan singkatan gaul dalam bahasa Inggris semakin populer, terutama di kalangan anak muda. Singkatan ini sering digunakan di media sosial, pesan teks, dan percakapan sehari-hari untuk mempercepat komunikasi dan memberikan nuansa santai. Berikut beberapa singkatan gaul yang umum digunakan dan maknanya, So let’s get it on
Berikut Singkatan Gaul dalam Bahasa Inggris:
1. LOL (Laugh Out Loud) – tertawa keras.
Contoh: “When I read his joke in the WhatsApp group, I just LOL because it was so funny and unexpected.”
2. OMG (Oh My God) – Oh Tuhan.
Contoh: “OMG! I can’t believe you actually bought the concert tickets. I’m so jealous!”
3. FYI (For Your Information) – Untuk informasi Anda.
Contoh: “FYI, next week’s presentation has been rescheduled to Thursday, so make sure you’re ready.”
4. ASAP (As Soon As Possible)– Secepat mungkin.
Contoh: “Please send the financial report ASAP because our boss needs it for the meeting this afternoon.”
5. BTW (By The Way)–
Ngomong-ngomong. Tapi, terdapat perbedaan antara by the way dan anyway. by the way digunakan untuk membicarakan sesuatu yang sama sekali berbeda dari topik sebelumnya. Sementara itu, Anyway digunakan ketika seseorang ingin melanjutkan pembahasan yang masih berkaitan dengan topik sebelumnya.
Contoh: “BTW, I just saw the movie you recommended. The story is truly inspiring!”
6. BRB (Be Right Back) – Segera kembali.
Contoh: “I’ll BRB, I just need to grab something from my car.”
7. IDK (I Don’t Know) – Saya tidak tahu.
Contoh: “Do you know where I can buy that book? IDK, maybe you can find it in an online bookstore.”
8. TBH (To Be Honest) – Jujur saja.
Contoh: “TBH, I’m a bit disappointed with our team’s performance this week. We need to improve our quality.”
9. TMI (Too Much Information) – Terlalu banyak informasi.
Contoh: “You don’t need to give me TMI about your personal issues. Just tell me what’s important.”
10. TTYL (Talk To You Later) – Berbicara denganmu nanti.
Contoh: “I have to go now to meet a client. TTYL, and have a great day!”
11. WYD (What You Doing?) – Apa yang kamu lakukan?
Contoh: “WYD tonight? Are you interested in having dinner together and catching up?”
12. IMO (In My Opinion) – Menurut pendapat saya.
Contoh: “IMO, the movie we watched earlier was really good. The actors’ performances were outstanding.”
13. NVM (Never Mind) – Tak apa.
Contoh: “NVM, I found the key under the sofa. Thanks for helping me search for it.”
14. SMH (Shaking My Head) – Menggelengkan kepala.
Contoh: “SMH, I can’t believe he made the same mistake again after being told multiple times.”
15. YOLO (You Only Live Once) – Hidup hanya sekali.
Contoh: “Come on, let’s try skydiving. YOLO, we need to dare to try new things in life.”
16. JK (Just Kidding) – Hanya bercanda.
Contoh: “JK, I wasn’t really serious when I said I would move to Antarctica!”
17. BFF (Best Friends Forever) – Sahabat terbaik selamanya.
Contoh: “She’s not just any friend, she’s my BFF who’s always been there through thick and thin.”
18. FTW (For The Win) – Untuk kemenangan.
Contoh: “Let’s do our best in this match. FTW!”
19. RIP (Rest In Peace) – Beristirahatlah dengan tenang.
Contoh: “RIP to my beloved dog who had been with us for more than 10 years.”
20. LMAO (Laughing My Ass Off) – Tertawa terbahak-bahak.
Contoh: “He fell off the chair, and we all just LMAO. It was such an unforgettable moment.”
21. ROFL (Rolling On the Floor Laughing) – Berguling-guling tertawa.
Contoh: “The story was so funny that we all ended up ROFL in the living room.”
22. COD (Cash on Delivery) – Bayar di tempat
Contoh: “Many online shoppers prefer the COD option to pay for their purchases when they arrive.”
23. TBF (To Be Fair) – Untuk adilnya.
Contoh: “TBF, he did work hard to achieve that result, so we should give him the credit he deserves.”
24. IKR (I Know, Right?) – Aku tahu, bukan?
Contoh: “The movie was really amazing. IKR? I totally agree with you.”
25. OOT (Out of Topic) – berbicara di luar topik pembicaraan
Contoh: I have one OOT question. How long have you been here?
26. ANW (Anyway) – ‘Omong-omong’
Tapi, terdapat perbedaan antara anyway dan by the way. Anyway digunakan ketika seseorang ingin melanjutkan pembahasan yang masih berkaitan dengan topik sebelumnya. Sementara itu, by the way untuk membicarakan sesuatu yang sama sekali berbeda dari topik sebelumnya.
Contoh: I don’t think it’s a good idea to go out tonight. ANW, I think I’ll just stay at home.
27. FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) – Takut ketinggalan.
Contoh: “I feel FOMO every time I see my friends going on vacation without me.”
28. DM (Direct Message) – Pesan langsung.
Contoh: “If you have any further questions, feel free to DM me on Instagram.”
29. FYP (For You Page) – halaman yang menampilkan konten berdasarkan minat dan perilaku pengguna di platform media sosial seperti TikTok dan Instagram.
Contoh: “The algorithm must be broken because I keep getting videos on my FYP that I’m not interested in.”
30. HMU (Hit Me Up) – Hubungi saya.
Contoh: “HMU if you’re around town and we can grab a coffee together.”
31. IDC (I Don’t Care) – Saya tidak peduli.
Contoh: “They can say whatever they want about us, IDC, as long as we know the truth.”
32. IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) – Menurut pendapat rendah hati saya.
Contoh: “IMHO, we should take the quicker route to get to the destination.”
33. TBA (To Be Announced) – Akan diumumkan.
Contoh: “The party location is still TBA, so make sure to check for updates later.”
34. DIY (Do It Yourself) – Lakukan sendiri.
Contoh: “I learned a lot about home repairs by watching DIY videos on YouTube.”
35. ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) – Perkiraan waktu tiba.
Contoh: “My ETA at the location is about 15 minutes if there’s no traffic.”
36. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) – Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan.
Contoh: “Before contacting customer service, make sure to read the FAQ section on our website.”
37. TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday) – Terima kasih Tuhan, ini hari Jumat.
Contoh: “After a long week, finally TGIF! Time to relax and enjoy the weekend.”
38. AFAIK (As Far As I Know) – Dalam pengetahuan saya atau sepengetahuan saya
Contoh: “AFAIK, she hasn’t responded to my email yet, so I don’t know if she’s available to meet.”
39. IRL (In Real Life) – Dalam kehidupan nyata.
Contoh: “We often talk on social media, but we finally met IRL last week.”
40. RSVP (Répondez S’il Vous Plaît) – Harap balas.
Contoh: “Don’t forget to RSVP to my birthday party invitation so I can prepare everything properly.”
41. AWOL (Absent Without Leave) – Absen tanpa izin.
Contoh: “John went AWOL from work last week, and no one has heard from him since.”
42. NSFW (Not Safe For Work) – Tidak aman untuk dilihat di tempat kerja.
Contoh: “She told me the email contained NSFW content, so I waited until I got home to read it.”
43. PTO (Paid Time Off) – Cuti berbayar.
Contoh: “I’m taking PTO next week to go on vacation with my family.”
44. WFH (Work From Home) – Bekerja dari rumah.
Contoh: “Many companies are now implementing WFH policies in response to the pandemic.”
45. OOTO (Out Of The Office) – Tidak di kantor.
Contoh: “I’ll be OOTO tomorrow, so if there’s an urgent matter, please contact my colleague.”
46. B2B (Business to Business) – Bisnis ke bisnis.
Contoh: “We provide B2B services that support other companies in managing their technology.”
47. B2C (Business to Consumer) – Bisnis ke konsumen.
Contoh: “Our company focuses on selling B2C products to meet the retail market’s needs.”
48. AKA (Also Known As) – Juga dikenal sebagai.
Contoh: “He’s a math genius, AKA ‘The Human Calculator’ due to his extraordinary skills.”
49. TBT (Throwback Thursday) – Kembali ke masa lalu pada hari Kamis.
Contoh: “This is a TBT photo from our Bali vacation a few years ago. Unforgettable memories!”
50. OOTD (Outfit Of The Day) – Pakaian hari ini.
Contoh: “This is my OOTD for today. What do you think about my style?”
Baca Juga: Manfaat dan Contoh Penggunaan Tesaurus
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